Our Pearl

The Livenza River

Flumen Liquentia ex montibus Opiterginis…” amongst the rivers mentioned by Pliny, there is also “La Livenza”. With regards to the origin of the name, there are two versions: someone says it comes from livens, others say it comes from liquens (to be liquid). By the times of the ancestors it has always been called Liquentia, also because its water are cold, clear and quite at the bottom of the Mountain above the rocks, as they were to liquefy.

It certainly is one of the most beautiful rivers of Northern Italy. Extreme defense of the newborn Venetian domain, source of life thanks to the amount of water and quantity of fishes, La livenza has always been named by Greeks and Latins author; it represented a border from venetian and celto-carni territories. It has been navigated by the people of the venetian republic to reach the northern european territories and do business with them.
Huge boats sailing la Livenza, used to bring from Venice to local mainlands every kind of goods in order to do sales and various businesses.

Its main feature is the huge capability. It mainly depends from the climate of the area where its drainage basin is located, featured by heavy rains, high extended catchment area and the mountain climate of the nearby area. The peculiarity of la Livenza is that it does not flow across the mountains; it indeed starts his flowing at the bottom of the Pre-Alps of Cavallo mountain and just after few kilometers appears as a proper huge capability river and therefore navigable since the most remote ages.

Its natural way of appearing and disappeating across his natural route towards the Adriatic see creates a perfect balance between Geometry and Nature, main seduction of riverside cities.
La Livenza also represents a complex and precious natural heritage. Among all, it is worth mentioning the dwelling site of “Palu’ di Livenza” which in 2011 had been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. We can also find very many different kind of trees like salici, pioppi, olmi, ontani, and the very protected farnie, which helds a huge variety of colored flowers, being antagonistic with the greenary of the adiacent fields on the area. Amongst all, it is important to mention a very precious tree: the Ludwigia palustris.